Is Bee Removal Expensive?
Whenever we get calls from people in Maine who need our services the first question we typically get is. “When can you come remove these bees?” The close second though is typically. “What do you charge?” The answer is for swarm removal we charge nothing. We are beekeepers first and foremost and as beekeepers we love honey bees! If we were to purchase them from bee wholesalers a new hive is typically nearly $200. Those new hives have the added disadvantage of being smaller than wild colonies and they do not have the track record for survival that an existing colony has. Bees that were able to build up the resources to create a swarm and then to live successfully in the wild without human assistance are the kind of bees we want on our team and in our apiary.
Hive removals are much more extensive operations and require tools, skill and time to complete safely, successfully and satisfactory. For hive removal we charge for any materials we leave at the property like new insulation, sheetrock, siding or other materials used to repair after getting the bees out. We charge by the hour for our cutout work and cutouts average between 2 and 6 hours depending on their location and complexity. We always give homeowners the option of us patching any damage back up or leaving it for homeowners or their preferred contractors to repair.
If you call a traditional exterminator they are likely to charge you money and kill the beneficial pollinators that honey bees are. We do not kill the bees that we remove and we charge only what we need to cover our expenses. We hope that this is a proposition that you find appealing. If so please feel free to contact us on our site or call us at (207)200-7512.